Saturday, June 30, 2012

A few pictures of the garden

I've been out weeding the garden today. The weeds love this weather. I's been 95 degrees most of the day and that's pretty hot for New England.

A robin has built a nice nest in the honeysuckle out in the front garden and while she was out I stuck my iphone in and took this picture.

Aren't these the most beautiful color of blue!  We went to the ocean in Maine for a few days to try out the new camper (That's another story). When we got back the eggs had hatched and we have babies!

I didn't want to disturb the branches but there are two little robins in the nest. 
I have a few pictures to show you of what's growing.

I've never been able to get hollyhocks to grow and was so glad to see this dark purple come out this summer. They only bloom every other year so I'm thrilled to see it.

I'm having quite a time with blogger today. I'm about to give up and look for something else. I've heard wordpress is not as difficult. Anyone know?  Take a look at Connecticut Country House it looks good and I don't think she uses blogger.

Take care.  Jan