It's been raining here since yesterday and the garden really needs it. I haven't been able to do much weeding and it seems like everything has exploded. I did get some tomatoes and squash planted (Don actually did the planting). Now if the chipmunks don't eat it all we might get some ourselves.
I've been doing some stitching while this back thing heals. I started a sampler that is a copy of an old one done in Maine. Bought the kit at Old Sturbridge Village. It took me a few years to finish since I kept putting it down and working on something else. I had it framed and I'm very happy with it. I think I'll put it on the mantle for a while.
I've started another sampler that will eventually be a pillow. It is a Brenda Gervais design. I have changed some of the colors but it's on 22 count ariosa fabric. Nice change from the tiny linens I've been working on. Easier on the eyes.
Thanks for stopping by today. Hope to be back soon. Jan