Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall at Last!

We've had such a busy summer. I really intended to pay more attention to this blogging. I love to read other peoples blogs. Just wonder if I really have enough to say.  I thought I'd share a few pictures of some of my projects. Right now I'm getting ready for a hook-in at the Salem Cross Inn in West Brookfield Ma. A beautiful old Inn. Check it out if you have a chance.www.salemcros The first picture is a pattern from Sandy Miarecki's Woolen Memories called basket quilt. The second picture is two horses pattern by Lucille Festa of  American Country Rugs. We had a bear visit us recently. Tasted our crab apple tree. I'll try to include a picture of him. Posting all this is new to me.  Hope to be back soon. Take care. Jan